
This is a Discord slash-commands bot for searching and browsing popular anime 18+ image boards, created and maintained by viral32111.

The boards it can search at present are as follows:


This bot provides a /hentai search <board> <tags> <hidden> slash-command, which requires an image board and one or more tags to be specified.

There is an optional hidden flag, which when set to Yes will make the response visible to only the user that executed the command.

For user convinence, the image board is choosable from a list, and the tags auto-complete while typing just like on the boards themselves.

Once the initial response is shown, browsing of other images with the same tags is available using the buttons underneath the message.


This bot is available for public use and can be added to any Discord server by clicking this invite link or by using the /hentai help slash-command in any server it is already in, so long as you have the Manage Server permission.


The code for this bot and website is open-source, available for download from its GitHub repository. It is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


No personal user information is collected, processed, or stored by the Discord bot. This can be verified by checking the source code.

When interacting with the Discord bot via its application commands, any relevant data is sent to the bot by Discord so that an accurate response can be returned. This data is ephemeral as it is only used for the duration of the interaction execution.

When the Discord bot is undergoing development, real-time logs of incoming HTTP requests and their subsequent responses are monitored for debugging purposes. These often contain identifiable information such as IP addresses, browser user-agent strings, etc. However, as application command interactions originate from Discord's servers and not a user's client, the users of this Discord bot should not be concerned unless they are sending requests to the interaction endpoint themselves. These logs only exist for the duration of development, and are not stored thus cannot be viewed again at a later date.

The Discord bot is hosted on the Cloudflare Workers platform, as such any incoming requests are subject to their privacy policy as well.